Muzgan Batoori, 20, flydde från Afghanistan och kom till Forshaga.
På gymnasieskolan har hon gått i snart tre år, men nu ska hon utvisas.
– Jag mår jättedåligt. Jag är rädd och tänker hela tiden på vad som ska hända, säger Muzgan Batoori.
Solen lyser in genom fönstret, men i klassrummet känns luften tung. Skoluppgiften är att spela in en podd. Framme vid katedern delar eleven Muzgan Batoori, 20, sin berättelse. Klasskamraten Jakob ställer frågor från manuset som klassen har skrivit tillsammans. Muzgan berättar om en resa till Sverige fylld av rädsla och hopp.
– Det var min mamma, jag och mina två bröder, säger Muzgan.
Resan började i Afghanistan, där krig och osäkerhet splittrade familjen och tvingade dem att fly. Familjen är hazarer, en folkgrupp som förföljts av talibanerna. Muzgans äldsta bror och hennes pappa var först att lämna Afghanistan, flera år innan Muzgans mamma och de yngre barnen kunde fly. Pappan och storebrodern fick uppehållstillstånd i Sverige.
– Sen lämnade vi Afghanistan för att vi i familjen ville bo tillsammans, säger Muzgan.
Reste i gummibåt
Hennes äldsta bror, som var i Sverige, jobbade ihop pengar så att Muzgan, som då var 14 år, och de andra två småsyskonen och mamman kunde fly till Europa.
– Vi åkte bil från Afghanistan till Iran och sedan gick vi över bergen till Turkiet, säger Muzgan Batoori.
– Det var svårt hela vägen med smugglare och med vägen. Vi var tre barn och bara vår mamma.
Hur fick ni kontakt med smugglarna?
– Med telefonen.
Så det var bara att ringa en smugglare och säga att man ville åka därifrån?
– Ja.
Vad kostade det?
– Jag vet inte för jag var liten och tänkte inte på det.
Muzgan säger att hon tror att de var ungefär två veckor i Iran innan de tog sig vidare till Turkiet.
Vad gjorde ni i Iran?
– Ingenting. Vi satt bara och väntade på att smugglaren skulle komma och säga ”kom nu ska ni gå”.
Från Turkiet reste de i en gummibåt tillsammans med 50–60 andra människor. Trots farorna under resan kom alla fram. De var i Grekland i två år innan de fick asyl. Strax efter hände något hemskt. Muzgans mamma dog.
– Min mamma blev sjuk och sen gick vi till läkaren som sa att din mamma har en hjärnblödning.
Men läkaren kunde inte göra någonting. Efter att mamman dött reste pappan direkt till Grekland för att hämta Muzgan och hennes yngre bror. En broder valde att stanna i Grekland.
– Vi landade på Arlanda och sen åkte vi bil till Deje, säger Muzgan.
Hur var det att komma till Sverige?
– Det var bra första tiden för vi började skolan och vi studerade och fick vänner. Men nu är det inte bra.
Muzgans framtid är hotad. Migrationsverket har sagt att Muzgan och hennes yngre bror inte får stanna utan ska utvisas till Grekland, dit de kom först. Att inte veta vad som ska hända är jättejobbigt, säger Muzgan.
– Jag mår jättedåligt. Jag är rädd och tänker hela tiden på vad som ska hända.
Att bli utvisad till Grekland skulle vara svårt - språket är obekant, och de har redan ett liv i Sverige.
– Då måste jag börja om allt från början. Jag vill inte åka till Grekland, säger Muzgan.
Hennes dröm är att jobba på apotek i Sverige.
– Jag vill försöka studera och sen en bra utbildning och jobb. Ta mitt körkort.
Hon drömmer om att bo i ett radhus också.
– Nu bor jag, min bror och min pappa i en lägenhet.
Vad är det bästa med att bo i Deje?
– Att jag får bo med min familj. Här har jag bott i nästan tre år. Jag vill inte åka till Grekland men om jag inte får stanna i Sverige måste jag åka.
Här kan du lyssna på podden.
Just nu är det akut brist på domare i Sverige. Inför säsongen 2022 så slog Svenska ishockeyförbundets domaransvarige David Bergman larm om att matcher behöver ställas in för det är brist på domare. En anledning till att det är brist på domare är att man får hot och hat slängt på sig för man gör sitt jobb säger Hugo Casparsson efter en intervju av SVT nyheter öst. Själv tycker jag att det är ganska tråkigt man det är ändå en smäll man få ta eftersom det är en tuff sport med mycket adrenalin. Som 13 åring när man dömer sin första match så kanske man får dumma kommentarer och fula ord kastad mot sig så kanske man inte vill fortsätta döma. Som ung domare så är det bättre att man får komplimanger från till exempel tränare och publik, man kanske inte riktigt har samma syn på spelet som en SHL domare. Då är det svårare att se saker och man kanske ska ha en vuxen med sig ute på isen också som kan ta de största domarbesluten.
Jag tycker att domaren är den viktigaste spelaren ute på plan och därför kan man respektera domaren. Visst man ska få ha åsikter om domarens beslut men man behöver inte förolämpa han eller hon bara för det. Utan domare så finns inte hockeyn. Redan på föreningsnivå så finns det föräldrar och tränare som beter sig dåligt.
Electrifying Beginning
The festival kicked off on 29 May in the Sub Arini Park, featuring a high-energy performance by DJ SB, Alex Zara, Young Till Death and many more. The stages were set for an unforgettable week with dazzling light shows that set the tone for the festival.
Impressive Line-up of DJs and Artists
Music lovers were treated to an impressive line-up of local and international DJs and electronic music artists. Highlights of the performances included:
Main Stage Acts: Renowned artists such as Șuie Paparude, Killa Fonic, Skillz B2B Krafty Kuts, Andi Moisescu and DJ Antenna delivered electrifying sets that kept the crowd dancing.
Secondary Stages: Up-and-coming talent and genres were showcased on smaller stages, providing a platform for diverse sounds and styles.
Performances: Surprise performances, such as that of Young Till Death, and collaborations added to the excitement making each performance unique.
Tasty Treats
Complementing the pulsating beats was a diverse array of street food options that tantalized the taste buds of festival-goers. Popular food stalls included:
Wine not?: Known for their collection of wine, this stall was a crowd favorite.
The French Toast Factory: Offering Brioche French Toast, this Food Truck attracted long lines throughout the festival.
Burgers and Fries: Classic favorites that drew long lines throughout the festival.
Engaging Festival Activities
The festival was packed with activities for attendees of all ages, making it a truly inclusive event:
Kid Zone: A dedicated area for children featured inflatable slides, face painting, and games, especially on June 1st in celebration of National Kids Day.
Outdoor Movies: Every evening, attendees could unwind with outdoor movie screenings, providing a relaxing end to the high-energy days.
Hairstyle and Henna Tattoos: Festival-goers enjoyed temporary henna tattoos and creative hairstyling, adding to the festive atmosphere.
Interactive Installations: Art installations and light displays created immersive environments for attendees to explore.
Merchandise: Vendors sold unique festival merchandise, from clothing to bags and caps.
Community Vibes
The sense of community was evident, with volunteers and local organizations playing a key role in the festival's success. Focus Agency helped coordinate efforts to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all attendees.
Anticipation for Next Year
As the festival concluded on June 2, excitement for next year was already building. "I really enjoyed the huge variety of food trucks. There's something for everyone's taste. The whole festival has a great summer vibe, and being in the park makes you feel close to nature. It's the perfect spot to hang out with friends since you get fresh air and lots of different things to do, so you'll never get bored", said an attendee.
The Sunbreak Electronic Music Festival has firmly established itself as a highlight of Sibiu's cultural calendar, celebrating music, food, and community in a unique and unforgettable way.
Our world is slowly becoming an AI-driven one, and the most important question is: can artificial intelligence create something as real as what people have been creating for thousands of years? Because of this question a lot of people rethink their life choices, namely if they should continue to follow an art based career or if they should just stop. AI has created multiple artworks, has designed products, has composed music and has written award-winning novels, stealing jobs from people who are already struggling.
Let's take AIVA, an AI music composer, which generates music in 250 styles. In 2018, artificial intelligence created the 'Portrait of Edmond de Belamy', which sold for $432,500. I believe everyone knows about ChatGPT, it is renowned for writing essays, stories and so on.
At the moment, Instagram claims that users' posts will be used to train their AI starting on June 26th. Because of this, artists are moving to Cara, a portfolio app that bans AI posts and training. Artists I have spoken to, claim they feel powerless and that they find it hard to start from zero once again on a new app. I believe it is quite hard to lose most of your effort after working so hard.
I have asked two of my art teachers if they think AI can create real art. My first teacher, Lavinia Cretu, claims "It is impossible for artificial intelligence to render the emotional values that humans show through their art. It can only create the physical form of objects, using all the information it found around the internet. One problem is that the poses and the anatomy in most cases is not accurate and dynamic, a human would be able to represent it much better. Art represents emotion, the artist's emotional state and it has meaning, AI will never be able to do such a thing.". As for my second teacher, Catalin Precum, he states "Artificial intelligence should not be able to create paintings in the first place, it should be used in construction, hard jobs which require human labour. But, now that it exists, it should be used as a tool, the way advanced photoshop is being used, because the actual drawings it creates equal with zero. There is no creativity put into using it and it most of the time steals from real artists and their art styles and uses them to its own advantage. Using AI is going to get people nowhere, it does not truly teach them how to draw. If artificial intelligence is going to get more and more popular, some legislations will need to appear in this domain, where copyright is in the spotlight. I believe with time, things will calm down."
I want to draw attention to what my second art teacher said about things calming down. With time I believe it will happen, because we have a similar event which took place not too long ago, when photography started to get more and more popularised, during the 19th century. Artists thought they would lose their jobs, because in the 18th century the most popular styles were Rococo, Neoclassicism, and Romanticism, which depicted the true nature of the human body, as accurately as possible. But, with the invention of cameras, artists had to shift their focus. Some well-known movements were Romanticism, Realism, Symbolism, Neoclassicism, Impressionism, Art Nouveau, and Post-Impressionism. Now the focus was on showing the artist's own interests and creativity, producing art for their own benefit. Some well known artists from this time period were Gustave Moreau and Claude Monet. Keeping in mind what happened in the 19th century, people can maybe relax. If history repeats itself, then everything will settle down. Artists will find new ways to express themselves and art will never die.
I this context, what is AI's place? Well, AI should be used as tool, where artists can get inspiration, but not to claim it as their own. It is difficult to claim an image made with AI, because it has access to everything there is on the internet. It can use other pieces of art to make a new one, which would beg the question, can it be considered someone's art? This is an interesting question, because even people get inspired by other creations, but they can make it their "own", by adding meaning and showing their emotions through their paintings. Copyright protects original works of authorship. Original works are created independently and have a minimal degree of creativity. I decided to define copyright, because I believe AI should take into consideration copyrighted material, and not use it in its creation. Art theft will be a massive problem in the future if AI is not kept under control. Laws will need to keep up with the demand and protect people's art.
Oxford Languages defines art as "the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or emotional power." Art is not a clear term, but I chose this definition so I could determine if drawings made by AI can be considered pieces of art. I believe AI will never be able to recreate what we humans can. It will not be capable to represent human emotions, messages or anything that makes us human beings. Maybe it will recreate the human body better than it does it at the moment, but it will forever be a machine which will copy from humans. Without us, AI would not exist.
AI has been steadily making inroads into various aspects of film production, from scriptwriting to casting and post-production. AI tools are being used to predict box office success, analyze audience preferences, and even generate original screenplays. For instance, companies like ScriptBook and Cinelytic offer AI-driven platforms that can predict a film's financial performance and provide insights into casting and script changes that could enhance a movie's appeal.
Benefits and Opportunities:
Efficiency: AI can streamline many aspects of film production, reducing time and costs. Tasks that traditionally took weeks or months can now be completed in a matter of hours.
Data-Driven Decisions: By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI can help producers make more informed decisions, potentially leading to better financial outcomes and targeted content that resonates with audiences.
Creative Enhancement: AI tools can assist in creating special effects, editing footage, and even composing music, opening up new possibilities for filmmakers.
Despite these advantages, many actors and filmmakers are wary of the growing influence of AI in Hollywood. Their concerns range from the erosion of creative control to the potential loss of jobs and the devaluation of human artistry.
One of the primary concerns is that AI might lead to a homogenization of content. Filmmakers like Christopher Nolan have voiced worries about AI diminishing the uniqueness of human storytelling. Nolan stated in a recent interview, “The biggest danger of AI is that we attribute these godlike characteristics to it and therefore let ourselves off the hook. I don’t know what the mythological underpinnings of this are, but throughout history there’s this tendency of human beings to create false idols, to mold something in our own image and then say we’ve got godlike powers because we did that.” He also said that "Cinema is an art form that thrives on the nuances and imperfections of human creativity. AI, with its data-driven approach, could lead to a future where films are formulaic and devoid of soul."
Another significant fear is job displacement. Actors are particularly concerned about the use of AI to create digital doubles or entirely virtual actors. Renowned actress Scarlett Johansson expressed her concerns, saying, "AI technology is amazing, but the idea that a digital version of me could be created without my consent and potentially used in ways I don't agree with is frightening. Our industry needs to have strict guidelines to protect artists' rights and livelihoods."
There are also ethical and legal issues at play. The Screen Actors Guild (SAG-AFTRA) has been actively campaigning for regulations to protect actors' likenesses and prevent unauthorized use of their digital images. Gabrielle Carteris, former president of SAG-AFTRA, highlighted the need for new legal frameworks, stating, "We must ensure that our members' work and identities are safeguarded in this rapidly evolving digital landscape."
Several high-profile cases have brought these issues to the forefront. In 2019, James Dean was controversially recreated through CGI and AI for the film "Finding Jack," sparking outrage among actors and filmmakers who felt it was disrespectful to use a deceased actor's likeness without consent. In response, industry organizations like the Directors Guild of America (DGA) and the Writers Guild of America (WGA) are pushing for regulations that ensure transparency and ethical use of AI in film production. The WGA, for example, has called for new contracts that specifically address the use of AI in writing and creative processes to protect writers' interests.
The future of AI in Hollywood is still uncertain, but it is clear that the technology is here to stay. The key challenge will be finding a balance that allows for innovation while safeguarding the rights and creative freedoms of those who make movies.
Industry experts suggest that collaboration, rather than conflict, could be the way forward. Filmmaker Ava DuVernay stands up for a balanced approach, stating, "AI can be a powerful tool if used responsibly. We need to establish guidelines and practices that respect both the technology and the people whose art and work are at stake."
Hollywood must navigate these challenges carefully to ensure that AI enhances, rather than detracts from, the magic of filmmaking. The industry is at a crossroads, and the decisions made today will shape the future of cinema for generations to come.
Sunbreak takes place before the beginning of the summer, starting on May 29th. Sunbreak is the biggest electronic music festival in the wonderful city of Sibiu, right in the heart of Romania. The Sub Arini park is home to this five-day festival. The park is transformed into an outdoor party, a perfect place to dance, eat, drink and have fun.
During the five days of entertainment, Sunbreak festival has 3 stages: The Main Stage, The Campus Stage and The Crazy Wolf Stage, with over 30 artists playing on them. Some of them are DJs. Funkydrop, DJ Antenna, Killa Fonic, No Parachute and Andi Moisescu are just a few of the many talented names that take to the stages and delight the crowd.
On Wednesday 29th this year, there was an artistic moment offered by Young Till Death, a talented dance club from Sibiu. They are a team of young passionate people who impress the crowd every time with their street and hip-hop dance performances.
To talk about the food, there you can find a lot of appetizing dishes, from fast food to pasta and pizza. Burgers, French fries, bbq, hot dogs, you can choose what you like from a variety of interesting cuisine. The sweets are not missing from the meniu. There you can indulge your sweet tooth with the well-known pancakes with a lot of flavours, cannoli or try something new, like a modern recipe of French toast with chocolate cream or fruits. If you need coffee, you can find some trucks with all types of it, made in different styles or even coffee specialities. If you are over 18 years old you can try some of the alcoholic drinks, such as cocktails, wine or simply, beer. After you bought your favourite food you can eat it in those places which are specially designed to be useful, but also to make you feel comfortable.
At the entry there is an info point and some friendly volunteers who are happy to help you and to answer to your questions. There you can see the program and the rules which need to be respected by all the participants. Besides, there is an official shop where those who are interested can buy T-shirts, hoodies, caps and many more fashion items with the name and the emblem of the festival.
The park is transformed into an aesthetic place, perfect to take pictures and selfies with your friends. The decor is well-chosen, with a tropical thematic, which brings summer closer to you. Lights in different colors and forms, decorative umbrellas, mirror balls, deck chairs and spotlights. There are few corners specially arranged with a floral design for taking pictures. The nature and the decorative elements blend together into a perfect scene which brings in the summer atmosphere. All over the place there are warning signs to remind people to let the place clean. They are created to sound funny but also to inform that the park is home for many animals and plants. Also, on the trees there are arrow signs to help people find their way in the area.
Here is what some people think about this festival.
I feel great. Ever since I heard about this festival I have been so excited and I looked forward to it. Now that I'm finally here with my friends, it's been worth the wait. I love everything about it, but I especially love the fact that there are multiple stages and we can move from one to another depending on what music we like. (Jacob L.)
I really liked Killa Fonic moment. He is well known among young people. I think everybody loves him and loves the music he makes. I like the atmosphere he brought when he got on the stage. My favourite moment from this evening was when he and the crowd started singing together. (Ariana M.)
Every day at the Sunbreak Festival is a opportunity to dance and to have fun. This festival is the ideal place where everyone is equal and united to party together. It is open for all people who want to come, for all ages, so grab your friends, your family or your beloved ones and come to the party.
The conference started with a musical number performed by the young singer Vlad Mihai. After that, the two special guests followed. The first speaker was doctor Adina Alberts, who recounted her emotional life story about her father who used to smoke. She presented more details about this topic from a medical approach. She emphasized her own example as a way to understand the negative impact smoking has, not only on the smoker, but also on his family and friends.
Father Necula was next. He supported the doctor's opinion, saying that he too had a father who smoked and knows how much it affected him and those around him. He continued by giving his opinion on smoking and presenting a religious perspective on the topic. He also presented a way to quit smoking through prayer and deepening the connection with God.
When both special guests finished their speech, a Q&A session was held, which gave people the opportunity to ask questions anonymously by putting the note with the question in the box intended for this. A lot of people asked questions about their own situation or about their loved ones and requested help with this. The guests were happy to answer each question, giving their opinions and advice.
At the end of the conference, the two guests gave the opportunity to those interested to discuss individually, being very opened to them.
Some volunteers were also involved in the organisation of the conference. One of them related: I really enjoyed it and it was a wonderful experience. Volunteering makes me feel happy because I feel I can help others. What impressed me at the guests was their sense of humour and the fact that they spoke in the language of young people presenting their life experience as a way of convincing us of the importance of fighting smoking. Seeing them in real life made me very emotional.
Doctor Adina Alberts also explained to me: A lot of young people exaggerate in what they do. I'm not saying don't try, try whatever appeals to you, just don't overdo it. Be yourself, choose what you like and do it with pleasure and don't let others distract you from your path. Don't forget that your safety comes first, it's your life, not someone else's.
A Blend of Tradition and Modernity
The SunBreak Festival is renowned for its eclectic mix of traditional Romanian culture and contemporary influences. This year’s event was no exception, offering a rich tapestry of experiences that catered to diverse tastes. From folk music and dance performances to cutting-edge electronic beats and indie rock concerts, the festival’s lineup showcased a wide array of genres and styles.
The Sub Arini Park served as the central hub for the festivities. Full of beautiful nature, the park provided a stunning backdrop for the festival’s stages where the headline acts performed each evening. This year’s lineup featured an impressive roster of both local and international artists, including renowned Romanian folk ensembles and chart-topping European bands.
Culinary Delights
No festival is complete without a feast, and SunBreak did not disappoint. The culinary aspect of the festival was a celebration in itself, with food stalls offering a variety of delicious Romanian dishes and international cuisine. From traditional sarmale (stuffed cabbage rolls) and mici (grilled mince meat rolls) to gourmet vegan options and exotic flavors from Asia and Latin America, there was something to satisfy every taste.
Local winemakers and craft brewers also showcased their products, allowing visitors to sample some of the finest wines and beers that Romania has to offer. This emphasis on local produce not only highlighted the region’s culinary expertise but also supported small businesses and producers.
This edition brought to the stage a lot of artists from around the country such as: Andi Moisescu, Killa Fonic, Șuie Paparude, A. Skillz & Krafty Kuts, Satoshi și Antenna. They entertained the public with their talent, but also made sure to create a hypnotic atmosphere.
Community, sustainability and thoughts
A defining feature of the SunBreak Festival is its commitment to community and sustainability. The organizers implemented several eco-friendly initiatives to minimize the event’s environmental impact. These included extensive recycling programs, the use of biodegradable materials, and initiatives to reduce plastic waste. Additionally, a portion of the festival’s profits was dedicated to local environmental and social projects, ensuring that the event had a lasting positive impact on the Sibiu community. Some of the people were asked about their thoughts about the project. “A very good and creative idea that I think will change not only the environment, but also the people.”- said Andreea, one of the numerous fans of the festival who was present there.
Volunteers played a crucial role in the festival’s success, with numerous local residents contributing their time and effort. They also made sure that all the people had a great time by being at their disposal. “I am having fun here and my kids too and I really appreciate the volunteers help”- were the words of Liviu, one of the parents who took his family to the festival. Their involvement fostered a sense of community pride and engagement, further cementing Sibiu’s reputation as a city that embraces cultural celebration and inclusivity.
The SunBreak Festival in Sibiu is more than just an event; it is a celebration of life, culture, and the power of community. By bringing together diverse forms of artistic expression, culinary delights, and sustainable practices, the festival has created a unique and enriching experience for all who attended. As the sun sets on this year’s festival, attendees leave with unforgettable memories and a sense anticipation for the next SunBreak Festival, where once again, the vibrant spirit of Sibiu will shine brightly.
The Vino Music and Street Food Festival, held in Sibiu from May 9th to May 12th, 2024, shows how much the city values culture and bringing people together. Set in the scenic Tineretului Park, this festival brought together vibrant music, delicious food, and family-friendly activities, creating a delightful experience that catered for all age groups. Even though this is how I would describe my experience, you don't have to take my word for it. You can come here and experience it yourself because this event is held every year and it features different musicians. This year, the guest performers were Grasu XXl, UFE, Iorga, Argatu, MCx Woodie, FC DNB, Bully, Dex, Faust, K-Lu, Sauce, Connect-R, Bitză, Brugner and Enășescu, all of whom are extraordinary Romanian musicians.
The variety of musical performances ensured that there was something for everyone, with genres such as hip-hop, pop and electronic music. Each day of the festival brought a new experience, keeping the atmosphere fresh and thrilling. It's safe to say that the performances were not just about the music. They also included engaging stage presence and interaction with the audience like nowhere else, making the experience even more memorable for attendees. I would like to tell you about Argatu, being the most suitable example and a Romanian musician that was present at the concert this year. He works as a dentist and DJs as well . He didn't go to college for music, he just started playing with sounds and beats in FL studio and saw that he had a music flair. He exudes great passion in his work. That is something I realized while he was performing with an injured leg. He danced and sang like no other. He managed to gather everyone, even the ones that had never heard of him before put their hands in the air. His energy permeated the atmosphere.
Complementing the music scene were 17 food trucks that presented a large variety of foods and beverages. These trucks provided us with a great street food experience, because you could find there anything from sandwiches to sushi, traditional Romanian food and even sweets. There were some vendors that stood out to me because of how great their food was while I was there: Sushi Master, King Potato, and Mr. Cannoli. These are just a few of the participants that were there. Just imagine, 17 food trucks that are all fitted in a small park, gathered around the stage. That is a big number for us. It's great because this large number of food trucks ensured that attendees could taste high-quality food while enjoying the festival’s other attractions, although the food was kind of expensive in my opinion.
The organizers also made a significant effort to appeal to families. There was a dedicated children's area that provided a variety of activities especially designed to entertain and engage younger attendees. Workshops, games and attractions like slides, on which I was sadly not allowed on, were available throughout the festival. These activities kept the young ones preoccupied while allowing parents to relax and enjoy the festival, knowing their kids were safe and having a great time.
Accessibility played an important part in the festival's success. Tickets were reasonably priced, I would say, with daily entry available for 30 lei and a four-day pass for 80 lei. If you were lucky enough to know about the concert in advance, you could get an Early Bird pass for 40 lei, which would let you in for the entire duration of the concert.
I asked one of my friends how he felt about the concert and this is what he said: "Man, I can't thank you enough for telling me about this concert. I had a great time drinking cold beverages and listening to music. As for Argatu, well, I had never heard of him before, but his music really touched my soul." - George Todirașcu
In conclusion, the Vino Music & Street Food Festival 2024 was a big success managing to combine high-quality music, a wide variety of food and family-friendly activities, all while still keeping it accessible to the public. This festival showcased Sibiu’s cultural scene and its commitment to hosting memorable events. It was a great experience, and I can't wait to see next year's concert.
New York, U.S.: The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is projecting a record-breaking year for Travel & Tourism in 2024, with the sector's global economic contribution set to reach an all-time high of $11.1 trillion. Around 40% of Americans plan to travel more in 2024, especially this summer. The year 2023 showcased an unwavering passion for travel, setting the stage for a record-breaking 2024.
Based on the statistics from this year, the move towards valuing experiences has sparked an increase in solo travel. Kristin Addis, solo female travel blogger and author: "Traveling alone is not only empowering, but it’s also the best way to learn about who you are and what you’re capable of." It takes a lot of courage to travel on your own but it surely is an unforgettable experience.
According to experts interviewed by Hotel Dive, this summer's travelers embarking on road trips will represent diverse demographics, budgets, and motivations for travel. Taking that into consideration, hoteliers will have to make sure they make the tourists’ stay a completely unique experience.
Diverse demographics set to shape Summer 2024 travel trends
The demographics for summer 2024 travel are expected to be diverse, reflecting a mix of age groups, nationalities, and travel preferences. Millennials and Gen Z travelers are anticipated to dominate the travel scene, driven by their desire for unique experiences and digital connectivity. Families are also likely to be significant contributors, seeking destinations that offer activities for all ages. Additionally, there is a growing trend of older adults and retirees embracing travel, capitalizing on their flexibility and disposable income.
Challenges hotels face
Hotels should make the guests’ stay as comfortable as possible, therefore Sophie Mitchell, Operation Director says “The push for digital transformation has never been stronger. From contactless check-ins to mobile room keys, we've implemented numerous tech upgrades to enhance the guest experience and streamline operations."
Perhaps the biggest determinant of intent to travel this year, though, is budget. According to Delloite, travelers are in higher income brackets, therefore they increase their spending allowance. While there are people willing to up their budgets and save money for vacations, some of them preffer to put out traveling this year.
It’s really about pocketbook issues for those people choosing to stay home,” said Daher. “The major reason why they’re not traveling is related to their perception that travel is too expensive right now [...] not that they necessarily can’t afford it.” However, there are destinations suitable for almost any budget and preferences.
Europe's top 5 summer destinations
Naples- Italy
Based on its findings, Naples, Italy, emerged as the most sought-after destination, experiencing a notable 100% surge in searches compared to the previous year. Naples boasts a rich history and cultural heritage, with a wealth of historic sites, including UNESCO World Heritage-listed landmarks such as the Historic Centre of Naples, Pompeii, and Herculaneum. Not to mention the cities’ cuisine, coastal beauty and vibrant atmosphere. “Naples is not just a city; it's an emotion. Its chaotic streets, vibrant markets, and stunning vistas over the Bay of Naples create a sensory overload that is both exhilarating and intoxicating.” Said Roberto Rossellini.
Munich- Germany
While the enduring allure of beer and bratwurst cannot be understated, the surge in tourism expected in the Bavarian region may owe much to its role as the host of the opening match of the European Football Championships in June. It's noteworthy that the majority of this growth is stemming from European visitors. Munich also hosts a variety of music festivals and cultural events, including the Tollwood Summer Festival, which features music, theater and art. " Our bookings are through the roof this summer. Events like the Munich Opera Festival and the outdoor concerts in Konigsplatz are big draws. People are eager to experience everything Munich has to offer in the warmer months. " said Lisa Weber, Manager at a Munich hotel.
Rome- Italy
While mentaining its recognition as the most popular city in Europe, Rome is a great place to visit this summer if you don’t mind heat and humidity that much. While tourists come for the historical attractions, some of them being the Colosseum, the Roman Forum and the Trevi Fountain , they get caught up with the traditional food-the famous gelato and Neopolitan pizza. Rome isn’t as crowded during the summer as it is in sping or fall, but tourists will visit Italy’s capital no matter the season. "Rome is like a living museum. Every corner tells a story, and every step feels like a journey through time. From the majestic Colosseum to the tranquil streets of Trastevere, Rome is a city that never fails to enchant and inspire." Says Emily Richards.
Santorini- Greece
Santorini has always been one of the most knows cities in Greece, adored by everyone, especially by tourists. Santorini is renowned for its stunning landscapes, from the iconic white-washed buildings with blue domes in Oia to the dramatic cliffs overlooking the deep blue Aegean Sea. The island's unique volcanic terrain creates a mesmerizing backdrop for any vacation. “Santorini is a place that you should see at least once in your life!” says Natali, a solo female traveler and blogger. She claims that it can get overcrowded most of the time since it’s the most visited place in Greece, but totally worth it!
Ibiza- Spain
Ibiza's combination of party vibes, stunning beaches, cultural heritage, and natural beauty make it a top destination for summer 2024, attracting travelers seeking unforgettable experiences and memorable moments. Ibiza boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in the Mediterranean, with crystal-clear waters, white sand, and picturesque coastal scenery. It has always been a top destination for adventurous people and you’ll have the most of it if you go with friends,or you can even make some new ones while visiting! According to Sarah Thompson, it's a place where you can let go of your inhibitions and embrace every moment to the fullest.”