A play that will change your perspective

Published 2024-09-17 11:49
Snapshot taken at the performance

”Denisa s party” it s a play performed at Gong Theater from Sibiu, Romania and it is intended for teenagers.  The theater show sheds light on the abuse of psychotropic substances among young people and the communication gap between children and adults.

The theatre play at Gong Theatre in Sibiu, "Denisa's Party," may seem fun at first. However, it shows the tough realities of young people dealing with drugs and bad influences. The play mirrors real life situations experienced by today's youth. The characters and events in the play reflect not only the lives of teenagers you might know, but perhaps even of yourself and your friends. This connection is intentional, trying to describe the realities of young people dealing with substances and social pressures.

The script for "Denisa's Party" was created during a creative writing workshop run by Ana Maria Sandu. The workshop was attended by eight students: Andrei Toma, Medeea Boca, Denisa Bîrțan, Sara Marin, Dragoș Drăghici, Andreea Bîrțan, Casiana Lup, Alexandra Cotelea, and Mihaela Logrea. These young writers were challenged to create a dramatic situation and bring to life six characters. Through their perspectives, they crafted a narrative that speaks directly to their generation's experiences and struggles.

In this play, director Nicoleta Lefter collaborated with a group of young actors to present an impactful story. The actors bring a realistic interpretation of today's youth to the stage of the Gong Theatre. Oana Brânzan, Andrada Oltean, Ania Petrean, Paul Bondane, Gabriel Muncuș, and Răzvan Omotă take on the roles of Denisa, Casiana, Andreea-Raluca, Alex, Dragoș, and Andrei. Six teens who, starting from a moment of fun, lose control of their lives and those around them.

The aim of the play is to spark conversations among its audience. After each performance, discussions are held involving the public, specialists, psychologists, authorities from the IPJ Sibiu (Police Inspectorate of Sibiu) and the actors themselves. These dialogues allow a deeper understanding of the issues presented and offer awareness from various perspectives on how this type of situations can be prevented.

By involving teenagers in the creation of the theatre show, the production gains an original voice that speaks to its intended audience. The young writers and actors bring their own experiences and observations to the story, making it a relatable portrait of modern adolescent life.

page Slideshow: 
  • The image shows generation's experiences and struggles
References: (1) teatrulgong.ro, (2) Ştiri de Sibiu, (3) sibiulazi.ro
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